Big Tobaccos Role in Processed Food Addiction, It's Not Your Fault!
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Processed Food Addiction is Real AND It's Not Your Fault!

Issue No. 1 | Brought to you by the Addiction Reset Community – ARC
Unlocking the secrets of processed food addiction and guiding you to find freedom from food and weight obsession.

Approximately two billion people around the world suffer from being overweight or obese and a broad range of diet-related diseases. 

Caught in the vicious grips of the Big Food and Dieting industries’ surround marketing business model, people who are struggling with Processed Food Addiction (PFA) are mostly unaware of the realities of it.

Those afflicted by PFA live with self-blame, guilt and shame of losing control of their food and are unable to break free of the shackles of food and weight obsession. 

Dr Joan Ifland is the world’s leading authority on Processed Food Addiction (PFA) recovery and is raising global awareness of the scientific evidence for processed food addiction, its causes, and its severity.

Dr Ifland started an online community to help food addicts recover.  The Addiction Reset Community also known as the ARC is also shining a light on the path to recovery. Food Addiction CAN be put into remission.


Food Addiction is not your fault… Big Tobacco corrupted our food!


Before big tobacco conglomerates took control of the processed food industry, we mostly ate real foods. 

 In the 1980's as the tobacco industry was facing increased scrutiny from health authorities, executives began looking for an alternate industry to apply their Addiction Business Model.

In 1985 RJ Reynolds bought 85% of Nabisco and Phillip Morris bought General Foods. In 1988 Phillip Morris went on to buy Kraft Foods and by then, controlled 10% of all American food purchases. 

There is a tremendous amount of evidence that the tobacco industry transferred its expertise in nicotine addiction, to processed foods also applied addiction-inducing marketing tactics to promote their modified “food substances”, to reach the widest possible audience, at the youngest possible age.


BIG TOBACCO changed the processed foods business into an addiction business!


 After the tobacco industry moved into food, there was a dramatic increase in advertising of addictive foods to children during Saturday morning cartoon programming.

On Nickelodeon alone, the number of commercial for processed foods increased from just five advertisements between 09:00 - 12:00, to over 500!!

A Stanford University study indicated that it only took 5 impressions to influence children's choices of food, making the 500 impressions on a Saturday morning extremely harmful to children as it deliberately promoted addiction.

Research shows a direct correlation between the increase in advertising of processed foods to children and the rise in childhood obesity - which increased by 50% in just 10 years!!

Today, over 65% of food consumed by Americans 
is highly processed and addictive.

This is not your fault. 

You don't have to face this challenge alone.

Do you have a question? Reach out to us with your questions about food addiction and recovery at

 Are you showing signs of Processed Food Addiction? Take this self-quiz to find out now!


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